Choosing the best CPU AMD or Intel?

Choosing the best CPU AMD or INTEL?

Never shop CPU by brand. Always shop which delivers the best PERFORMANCE, FEATURES, and QUALITY for the money you are spending.

Step 1: If you already have your pc and your upgrading is to make sure you're shopping for CPU that actually fit in the fracking motherboard that you're planning to use.

Step 2: Look at what delivers more bang for your buck within your target budget.

Let me make one thing clear AMD and Intel they both make CPU's now AMD since they've brought ATI they also make GPU as well so in some ways as a total package AMD has some better leverage over Intel.  Now the main thing is you have to ask yourself WHAT AM I GOING TO BE DOING?   that's the first thing you ask yourself what are you doing with your computer because the only thing that you're going to do with your computer is watch games at 1920 X 1080p ther's absolutely no reason in the world that you can't use an AMD system even where there trinity. But if gaming isn't the only thing you're doing there nothing wrong with AMD. But if you are not gaming doing stuff like Photoshop, high intense math calculations an those kinds of operations then you should go with an Intel based system, this is the only reason MAC only choose to use Intel in their system and not AMD. When it comes to you high tech stuff Intel is just better. Intel have less problems, they have less errors just overall for high end calculations they are very good.

So if you have decided which CPU to buy you can check out the best cpu in india here.   
Blog Posted by: Abdurrahman Nazim