Objectives of a Communication

Objectives of a Communication

An objectives is something that we want to attend or accomplish by our effort, if is the purpose with which we undertake an activity.

Objectives of Business Communication are:

Objectives of a Communication

1) Information and Persuasion:

Information:  Consists of facts and figures and data arranged in patterns which are useful for different purpose.

Example:    Customer, Data, Data of the account department, etc.

Persuasion:    Persuasion needs a basic of information. It means making efforts to change or influence the attitude and behaviour of others. The element of persuasion has to be used when employees has to be motivated to put in better effort or to except a change; when the government needs the people services or taxes.

2) Instructions and Orders:

Instructions:    Instructions is information about processes and procedures.

Example:    Supervisors instruct their staff or tasks that are to be performed time to time.

Orders:    Order is formal. It is the assignment of a task. The supervisor must be clear and exact in giving instructions and orders.

3) Education and Training:

Education:  Education is a development of the general and special abilities of the mind.

Training:    Training is practice, usually under supervision in some skills.

4) Motivation:

Motivation means providing people with a motive, and incentive, and inner urge to make effort to do their best communication is the critical element in the motivation of the employee.

Managers use communication to improve employees' sense of self worth by showing recognition, appreciating good work, and providing a general sense of support. Most persons have a need for recognition, prestige, esteem, status, reputation, the need to show that they are "somebody". When people feel goods about themselves, they are motivated to their better efforts.

5) Raising Morale:

Morale is the individual and collective spirit and moral condition employees with regard to discipline and confidence.

Raising Morale cannot be done by a single communication. It can be maintained with an open communication climate.

Information about programs, policy and progress must be circulated. When morale is low the performance is poor, there is lack of discipline, absenteeism and general lack of interest in work.

Blog Posted by: Abdurrahman Nazim