Cross Culture Barriers

Cross Culture Barriers

Cultural is a set of values and attributes of a group. Cultural is the sum of total of the ways of living built up by a group and transmitted from one group to the another. Some of the significant between cultivators are:

  1. Natural Character
  2. Values and norms or behaviour
  3. Social relationship
  4. Concept of time
  5. Concept of space
  6. Thought processor
  7. Perception
  8. Non-Verbal communication

1) Natural Characteristics:   


Each country has a character of its own.

Example: The Chinese are not like the Indians, although there neighbouring country.

These create a communication barrier among peoples.

2) Values:  

Values are our ideas of what is good and what's evil; they form the basis of our behaviour and action. The ideas of good and bad vary different culture.

Example: The behaviour accepted from women in eastern culture is different from what is                                       expected in western culture.

3) Social Relationship:  

They depend on the grouping is that society. The societies have groups like families, classes, cost etc. The Indian cost system is though officially abolished, still it plays on important roll in the social behaviour.

4) Concept of Time: 

It is the most trouble some differences that causes barrier in cross culture communication. Especially, between eastern and western cultures. The eastern concept of time is different.

Example: For them social relationship are more important time is money, were as for the western culture time is equal to money. The idea of keeping work time strictly from people time is a western concept and it is not easily accepted or understood by eastern culture. They find it difficult to follow.

5) Concept of Space:

This means the space and distance people use during conversation.

Example: In some cultures, speakers stand close enough to touch often, while others they maintain distance to denote respect. People in South Asian countries like India and Sri Lanka, maintain less enter personal distance. 

6) Though Processor: 

The thinking between different cultures varies.

Example:  Some cultures are very practical while others are very emotional.

This makes a situation different in the way people see it. Thinking process is affected by acceptances or rejection of superstitions, believe in magic, miraculous and so on; cultures are this believes are rejected are likely to view the word or logical clear and low based.

7) Perception:

Perception is influence by culture. People perceive those things which are acceptable in their culture and ignorance others. Differences of perception, differences of cultures may result in different attitude to life and effect are meaning.

8) Non-Verbal Communication:

Body language is a major problem between different cultures.

Example: Indians use much more natural gesture than the British.

Blog Posted by: Abdurrahman Nazim