Barriers To Communication

Barriers To Communication

A barrier is an obstruction or a block in communication. Several things can prevent the message from reaching the intended recipient or from having the desire effect on the recipient.

Barriers can be divided into four broad group.

  1. Physical and External Barriers
  2. Semantic/Language Barriers
  3. Socio-Psychological Barriers
  4. Organizational Barriers

1)  Physical and External Barriers:  

i) Noise:    It is any disturbance which occurs in a transmission process.

  • Noise of machinery in the factory.
  • Noise at the railway station.
ii) Hearing Defects:    People having hearing problems generally can face problem while                                                            generally can face problem while receiving message.

iii)Defects in the medium:  Defects in the devices used for transmitting message can create a problem in communication. It is usually not within the control of the parties engaged in communication. The only way to overcome this barrier is to postpone the communication or sieve an alternate medium.

iv) Information Overload: If too much of information is given at once then the receiver is not able to digest it. He/She may stop listening because of lack of interest etc.

2)  Semantic/Language Barriers:    

i) Vocabulary:   If the vocabulary of the sender does not match with the understanding level                                              of the receiver communication may lack.

ii) Jargon:  A jargon is a language which is special to science, commerce, technology, trade or professional . In private language with the persons in the field jargon will be incorporated.

iii) Ambiguity:  Using similar words having same spellings, different meaning.

3)  Socio-Psychological Barriers:  

Socio and psychological factors are the most difficult barriers to communication.

i) Attitude and Opinions:  The personal attitude and opinions of the receiver often interfere with communication. If the message is consistent with the reviver's attitude and opinion they receive it favourably. When the message is inconsistent with the receivers attitude and opinion, they are not likely to be received favourably.

ii) Emotions:   Emotions like fear, anger, worry, nervousness block the mind. It also blurs                                               the thinking power and one fails to organise the message properly.

iii) In attention:  In attention arises due to mental preoccupations or distractions. These                                                      causes barriers to communication.

4) Organizational Barriers:  

Organisational structure greatly affects the capability of the employee as far as the communication is concerned.

i) Organisational Policies:  Organisational policies determine the relationship among all                                                   the persons working in the enterprise. 

ii) Rules and Regulations:  Organisational rules become barriers in communication by                                                      determine the subject-matter, medium, etc of communication. 

iii) Complexity in Organisational Structure: The greater number of managerial levels in an organisation makes it more complex. It result in delay in communication and information gets changed  before it reached the receiver.

Blog Posted by: Abdurrahman Nazim